A global network of researchers

AuthorAID webinar: Grant Proposal Writing

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Join AuthorAID for a webinar discussion on proposal writing. Our experienced keynote speakers will let you in on their experience and share tips and advice.

Followed by short talks by our speakers, Dr. Buna Bhandari will be chairing a Q&A session where you can ask your most pressing questions.

Join us on 23rd November at 12:00-13:00 GMT and register today to save your place. Once you have registered, the Zoom details should be made available to you automatically. Additional instructions for joining this Zoom webinar will be made available nearer the date via email, and a recording will be shared with registrants after the event.


Additional Information:

Event chair:

Dr. Buna Bhandari, is a Assistant professor of epidemiology at the Central Department of Public Health, Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine, Kathmandu, Nepal. She holds a PhD from the School of Population Health, The University of New South Wales, Australia. She is a Lown scholar for cardiovascular health program at the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, USA. Buna received multiple grants and awards; some of them include the Australia Awards PhD Scholarship, Netherlands Fellowship program 2014. She was also awarded as a research student awards from the Arc postgraduate council and Graduate Research School, UNSW, Australia in 2020 during her PhD. Over the decades, Buna has authored multiple peer-reviewed scientific publications, book chapters, and blog posts. She is involved in the capacity development of young researchers from LMICs in scientific writing through mentoring, facilitating webinars and online courses as a steward and guest facilitator of AuthorAID for more than 6 years and INASP Associate (Recently). In addition, she is contributing in quality publications as a peer reviewer of many scientific journals of Public Health and mentor at Publons academy too.

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Olumide Odeyemi is a research support specialist and researcher with extensive experience supporting over 250 research grant applications budgeted at over $300 million and submitted to over 150 funding bodies. His specialties include researcher development, research impact, and engagement, working with industry, research grants development, costing and pricing research projects, and identifying funding opportunities. He is a recipient of multi-internationally competitive scholarships, grants, and awards.

In the past three years, he has trained more than 2000 students and academics on academic skills, research skills, researcher development, and how to secure scholarships and grants.

As a multidisciplinary researcher, he has published over fifty (50) scientific publications and listed among the World’s Top 2% Scientists in microbiology and food science

Dr. Katherine Fulgence, has specialization in entrepreneurship education and employability of graduates through skills development programmes. For the past ten years, Katherine has conducted trainings, research and consultancies in the areas of scaling of education innovations, digital fluency, teacher education, professional development and career transitions and has authored various academic publications including peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and policy briefs. Dr. Fulgence has won various capacity building awards in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Skills development, multidisciplinary grant writing and research management as awarded by DAAD of Germany, the International Development Research Centre of Canada and the International Exchange Board of the USA, to mention a few. She worked as a project manager at the now University of Dar es Salaam Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre prior to joining Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), where she currently heads the Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Lifelong Learning. These achievements have made DUCE, as a constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam recognize Katherine as the best work in 2021/2022.

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