A global network of researchers

Climate sciences online journal club session: Digitisation, Shadow Economy, Financial Development and Climate Action in the Global South

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From Dec. 16, 2023, midnight | GMT+01:00 United Kingdom Time

Join our online journal club session, discussing "Digitisation, Shadow Economy, Financial Development and Climate Action in the Global South" - open to everyone.

Sat Dec 16th, 2023 09:00am GMT

Additional Information:

This section discusses the concepts of shadow economy and digitalisation and their role in economic development. It also provides discussions on how these issues are linked to the climate crisis and how climate finance can be used to drive such development. The session will be beneficial for those interested in climate science research as it will touch on methodological issues, policy issues and some areas for future research

To register, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qcO-spzojGtFpvRGb9J4P5UwRhFsWqp99#/registration

Event Website:
Event types:
Event, Journal clubs, climate change