A global network of researchers


Assistant Professor - Clinical Pharmacy at University of Hail Nepal

Basic Medical Sciences, Healthcare
Spoken languages:
English, Hindi, Nepalese
Open to collaboration.


Basic Medical Sciences, Healthcare
Research Keywords:
clinical pharmacy, pharmacy practice, pharmacology, social researches
Collaboration interests:
Diabetes, Medication errors, Rational use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance, Pharmacy education, and Hospital and community pharmacy related drug utilization issues
Mukhtar Ansari is a passionate clinical pharmacy educator with more than 15 years of experience in teaching and research. Dr. Ansari graduated from B. Z. University in Pakistan with a bachelor's degree in pharmacy, Kathmandu University in Nepal with a master's degree in pharmacy, and the University of Science in Malaysia with a doctorate in philosophy. Dr. Ansari has held the positions of Assistant and Associate Professor at various medical and pharmacy schools. His responsibilities included teaching clinical pharmacology for MD, MBBS, BDS, and BSc Nursing students, as well as clinical pharmacy courses for PharmD students. He has held the position of HoD and is now an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the University. Dr. Ansari has authored over 50 articles on pharmacy and medication-related topics, is a chapter author for two books on social and administrative pharmacy and pharmacy practice, and has given numerous scientific presentations at national and international levels. He served as an active member in the Research and Ethics Committee, Medicine and Therapeutic Committee, Education Standard Committee, and Scientific Research Committee at various institutions. He founded MEDPHOENIX, the official medical journal of Nepal's National Medical College in Birgunj, and served as its first chief executive editor.
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