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Faidul Adzim: photo

Faidul Adzim

Senior Lecturer - Accounting Economic and Business Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar | Makassar , Indonesia

Business, Computer Sciences, Economics, Education
Spoken languages:
Arabic, English, Indonesian
Open to collaboration.


Education, Computer Sciences, Economics, Business
Research Keywords:
Managing Accounting Information System, Audit and Controller, Tax and Zakat, Development of Science, and Digital Technology Framework.
Collaboration interests:
Special for Accounting and Management Information System, Audit and Controller, Financial Taxation, Entrepreneurship, and Online Digital Business.
I was born in the area of South Sulawesi and live with a fairly simple family. Active work as a foundation lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. My education is mostly learned in schools by the Muhammadiyah Association because my family has served in the Muhammadiyah organization for a long time. The basic principle of my life is to always want to learn and share for the advancement of society and the ummah. Hopefully, this can make me understand more about the existence of life which has the main task of worshiping God. Hopefully, it is using what I have as a deposit from the creator. thanks.
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