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Govinda Bhandari: photo

Govinda Bhandari

Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Environment (IJE) - Research and Training at PSD-Nepal | Kathmandu , Nepal

Environmental Studies
Open to collaboration.


Environmental Studies
Research Keywords:
Pesticide, horticulture, environment, Nepal
Collaboration interests:
Pesticides in horticulture environment – assessment of residues and related risk
Mr. Govinda Bhandari earned his MSc in Ecology and Environment from Sikkim Manipal University, India (2007). After 7 years in research and publication, he came up with the International Journal of Environment (IJE) published by Progressive Sustainable Developers Nepal (PSD-Nepal), a non for profit making social organization devoted for working in different sectors of agriculture, health and environment. He is presently Editor-in-Chief of the IJE and a president of PSD-Nepal.

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