Una red global de investigadores

Elenga Raymond Gentil

Teatcher / Doctor - Physics en Faculty of sciences/ Marien Ngouabi University | Brazzaville , Congo

Ciencias Físicas, Ingeniería
En busca de un mentor.
Apoyo Necesitado:
Planeación de artículos, Edición ligera/perfeccionamiento del idioma


Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas
Palabras clave de la investigación:
Materials science; Plant fibres; Composites; Clay bricks; Structure; Physical properties
I am a doctor in materials science from the University of Lille I (France). For my thesis, I studied the effect of heat treatments on the structure, thermal behavior and mechanical properties of PET. Currently, I am a teacher in the department of physics of the Faculty of Science in Brazzaville (Congo). I work on the plant fibers, in particular on the raffia fiber (plant fiber of the tropical zone) and mud bricks. On the raffia fiber, we determine the physical properties of this fiber in order to find better valuations like the best-known fiber: flax, hemp ... Besides, we try to improve the mechanical properties of mud bricks with local binders, preferably biodegradable

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