Una red global de investigadores

Wilson Nandolo

Senior Lecturer in Animal Breeding - Department of Animal Science en Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Lilongwe , Malaui

Ciencias de la vida
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Open to collaboration.


Ciencias de la vida
Palabras clave de la investigación:
animal breeding genomics inbreeding copy number variation functional annotation
Intereses de colaboración:
genetic characterization breeding programme management functional annotation
Wilson is a lecturer in animal breeding at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Malawi, Southern Africa. He also created and manages Livestock in Malawi, a website with an overview of the Malawian livestock industry. One of his passions is advocating for livestock policy changes towards creating a conducive environment in which farmers can derive maximum benefits from their livestock, especially through genetics and animal breeding regulation and legislation. He has been participating in research and development projects that are using animal breeding as an integral part of the tools for improvement of people's livelihoods. His other professional interests include livestock data mining and knowledge management as effective tools for helping farmers make informed decisions about their livestock. He is currently working on discovery and characterization of structural variants in the goat genome as a way of understanding goat genetic resources better. (Goats are ubiquitous and very crucial for people's livelihoods in Africa where I come from). He has also been working on application of low-cost genomic tools (such as custom SNP chips for parentage testing and marker-assisted selection) for goat improvement in low-input systems. Wilson likes computing. He spends a lot of his spare time trying to figure out cooler and easier ways of sifting through and making sense of his data and information. Sometimes, even if it's working, he breaks it just to find out if he can make it work better. That is, when he is not busy watching animation videos with his family.
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